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1. How can you be an advocate for environmental justice in our communities?

Students learned about the environmental effects that extracting lithium from the ground to create batteries for electric cars has on the surrounding communities. 


Then I had students respond to this quote: "These facts raise an uncomfortable question that reverberates around the world: does fighting the climate crisis mean sacrificing communities and ecosystems?"-Thea Riofrancos, The Guardian.

There was an interesting discussion with students based on this prompt: We discussed in general, do you think we can flight climate change while not destroying communities that we get the resources from? Why or why not? One student said :"In general I do think that there is a way if everyone come together as one and not be greedy."

The next step is to discuss how vulnerable communities can fight environmental degradation in a meaningful way. Post your thoughts in the comments section. See more lessons and discussion at

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